How can listening to family stories help someone personally? Why does family stories matter? Family stories are listened through every culture of their family. Family stories can especially be passed down through generations, and affect lives no matter what the case is. Family stories can help guide someone in the future, help with motivation, and help with inspiration. First reason why is hearing family stories can help guide someone in the future. Listening to some stories will help someone stay away from the negative things in life. If the family had conflict, hear both sides of the stories instead of one. After listening to a topic about drugs, somebody will learn to stay away from it. For example, when I was young I was told not to do drugs. I did not know what they were at the time, so I would ask my Mother about it. She had told me that they were just bad for people and to stay away from them. I would ask my Mother why, she told me the story about her Mom doing drugs since she was a teenager. Once I …show more content…
Firstly is guidance. When listening to a story, it can make others feel optimistic about themselves. It could help someone be open about themselves in the future. Hearing family stories could help someone rise above from their problems in life. Secondly, stories can help with future self. Hearing family stories can help with courage. When listening to a story, it could help make the person feel optimistic about the family in the future. For example, when I was getting bullied in school my parents would tell me the time that they felt alone, and different from others for being bullied. They thought as a teenager they should be like everyone else, that is not the case though. They told me they wished they grew stronger, and to not listen to what people said. They told me to be me, meaning not to be afraid of what others will say. To this day I have not been bullied as I was in seventh