
Why Are Stem Cells Important

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What is a Stem Cell ?

Stem cells are a very important part of our bodies, especially in the development of it, healing and sustainment A stem cell is substantially a cell that has no job assigned to it. It does however have the almost miraculous ability to chemically transform into a cell that has a function. As an example, a stem cell can become a muscle cell, a skin cell or a nerve cell through a special chemical process called cellular differentiation. Essentially, it’s malleability and its regenerative ability make stem cells very unique and important to deal with.

Why are stem cells so important ? (1)

What makes stem cells so important is that they have 3 main factors that differentiate …show more content…

The two main types of stem cells are either Embryonic or pluripotent stem cells, or Adult stem cells. The difference is that Embryonic stem cells can only be extracted through the destruction of an embryonic body, and adult stem cells already can be found in the body’s of almost every living organism. Therefore, no ethical repercussions result from the use or research on Adult stem cells. The both serve their purpose of replenishing or replacing old or damaged tissue which is suffering from disease or aging, or other means of damage. However, what really are the main ethical concerns ? And how does this contrast to what embryonic stem cells in particular have achieved in terms of our medical revolution …show more content…

What do you think about the moral or ethical issues? It’s basically in the eye of the beholder to decide. Personally, I think that even though not so many breakthroughs have occurred since stem cell research has begun, we need to consider that we are only experiencing the beginning, and that we need to realise what is still to come. I think that stem cells will be a very special and important asset to our everyday lives. Especially in drugs and curing methods. I think that the stem cell revolution is still to come, and that it will greatly contribute to the wellbeing and positive development of our society’s and

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