Why Did Anti Spanish Civil War Cause Tensions In Spain

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Spain became a republic in 1931 after declaring itself as such after anti-monarchists won the election in that year. The actions of the new Spanish governing body and the difficulties that Spain faced would cause tensions. The two groups that participated in the civil war were the Republicans and the Nationalists. The Republicans were supported by anti-fascists such as communists, Catalonian separatists, Soviet Russia, as well as supporters of liberal democracy. The Nationalists were supported by fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, political and social conservatives, the Catholic Church, the fascist Falange Party, and supporters of Spanish monarchy. Spain’s civil war spawned from the clash of multiple sets of ideas. The anti-monarchism that opened Spain up to internal and external conflict and political conflict led to an example of two sets of ideas clashing. It also served as a victory for fascism, as the Nationalists under General Francisco Franco, triumphed over the Republicans. This victory also served as proof that Britain and France were both unprepared to challenge fascism, as France avoided aiding the Republicans. The country avoided it as Prime Minister Leon Blum feared that it would pull France into war, or anger sympathetic French conservatives. This civil war also serves as another example out of many of …show more content…

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