Why Did Ralph Myers Decided To Arrest Walter

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After months of investigators not finding anything on the murder of Ronda; the young women killed at the local laundromat. They had decided to arrest Walter based off Ralph Myers word. They had no evidence and they weren't even fully sure what they should charge him with. Ralph was said to have been afraid of Walter. One day one of the officers had even hinted at Walter maybe even rapping Ralph. Ralph Seen that as a great excuse; so he claimed that it was true. The Alabama police then set out to arrest Walter but they had a reason this time. So a dozen of officers gathered together on an old road; they had known for sure that Walter used to travel home. They then stopped Walters’s truck with weapons forcing him out of his vehicle. The officer then proceeds to tell Walter exactly what he was being arrested for, but instead of worrying, Walter laughed. The officer then started called him “N**** this and N***** that”, went far enough to threaten to lynch him. The officers were arresting him for allegedly rapping Ralph yet they questioned him about the …show more content…

He wasn't convicted of any serious crime so they had no right to place him on death row but he failed to protect himself also. So Walter suffered every day with the smell of rotten flesh and him being surrounded by murders when he actually didn't do anything. Walter had been on death row for over a year before his next trial would happen. With Ralph not testify it made Walter’s death penalty get closer and closer. Shortly after they moved Walter to Baldwin County due to Ralph lawyers request a change in location for the trail. He had thought he'd never see death row again but unfortunately, that's right where they took him. Walter waited day’s even weeks which turned to months. After waiting so long for an answer the jurors ended up saying he was guilty; because a man named Bill Hooks ended up testifying against