Why Did Rome And China Attempt To Unify Their Empires

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Throughout the history of The Roman Empire the government has changed elected consuls to powerful emperors with intent to overall better the empire. Comparatively, China’s empire was constantly adjusted from a simpler bureaucracy to a censorate appointed to provinces, which lead it to be argued as the most unified empire. Rome and China attempted to unify their empires both similarly and very differently because of the different structures of their governments and the culture flowing through the empires. The Roman and Chinese had similar ideas of having a bureaucratic based government to centralize the people under the rule of the emperor like the censorate in China and senate in Rome. On the contrary, those political structures were both …show more content…

For example, the Han Dynasty had an censorate group of officials who controlled the militia and carried out the law of the emperor to ensure it was the same for all of China this made the people share the amount rights they got, therefore joined them together. Similarly, the Han Dynasty had bureaucracy which mainly had them enforce Confucianism to unify the people. A similar political structure occurred in the Mediterranean in the Roman Empire. During the Pax Romana, a group of male officials called the Senate appointed governors to each province, which made it easier for the emperor to directly rule. This in turn made the citizens unite because it made the system of court more just. Although the purpose of the elected officials is similar between China and Rome, the political makeup of the structures are very …show more content…

The religion of Rome greatly united the people by sharing religious practices and attending public festivals. Rome also was centralized by the empire’s wide practice of Greco-Roman culture which allowed people to come together because if their love of gladiator fights and dramatic plays. A very similar concept of common culture uniting people was prevalent in China. The Chinese were allowed to unite because of the similar culture such as the veneration of ancestors which created common ground for them to connect. Despite the fact that culture unified people in China and Rome, the type of culture