
Why Did The Us Join The Vietnam War

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U.S. Joins the Vietnam War: 1965 The U.S. joined the war due to the circumstances, Vietnam Was a Communist state that had the potential of spreading communism, also the French Was allies with the U.S. due to the circumstance it was relevant for the U.S. to defend and help its allies fight off the Vietnamese during this last and final phase. Soon- -Further into the onslaught the French evade due to the casualties that played out before hand, the U.S. was left to attempt to fight off the Viet Minh and Viet Cong, the vietminh Was the guerilla tactics, the Viet Cong was the wide array of traps created by vietnamese. Further into the anticipation into the war the U.S. couldn't make any progress due to numbers Of Viet Cong and Viet minh not
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