Why Did The Us Win The Cold War Essay

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The United States and Russia were against each other in the Cold War. During the same time period, the United States and Russia raced to see who could dominate in space. Actions that are taken from either of the countries is extremely important. The country that does more in space will show which country is the leader in the world. Russia was the first country to send something into outer space. On October 4, 1957, Russia successfully launched the first artificial satellite into space. The satellite was called Sputnik. Sputnik was the size of a beach ball and weighed close to 200 pounds. The United States were shocked that Russia launched the first satellite, because we were in the middle of a war. With concerns of bombs, the United States …show more content…

Johnson was thinking about the accomplishment of Russia. He realized that any nation could send a satellite into space. Johnson now knew that the United States did not have enough technology. In January 1958, the United States launched their first satellite into space. The name of the satellite was Explorer 1. Russia had then launched the first man to orbit the Earth. His name was Yuri Gagarin. Gagarin was able to orbit around the entire Earth in less than 2 hours. Then on May 5, 1961, the United States was able to send the first American, Alan Shephard, into space. Russia was able to have the first person to walk in space and it lasted 12 minutes. In return the United States sent the first American to walk in space in June of 1965. The walk lasted 22 minutes. February 1966, Russia landed the first spacecraft, Luna 9, on the moon. Four months later in June of 1966, the United states landed the first American spacecraft, Surveyor 1, on the moon. With Russia accomplishing the first of many things the United States was able to pull ahead by having 2 Americans walk on the moon. Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first people to take actual steps on the moon on July 20,

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