
Why Didn T The Year For Children Changed In America Summary

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Times Have Changed, Why Hasn't the Yearn for Children Changed in America? Humankind has experienced a great deal of change over the centuries of our existence. However, one thing has yet to change; the longing to bear a child and become a parent. What has drawn people of all social classes throughout history to want such a painstaking responsibility that is having a child and why do people today still want to have children in America? This topic is very well defined in Bernard R. Berelson's essay, “The Value of Children a Taxonomical Essay" where he explains the main reasons people want to have children. People want to have children because the experience gives people a sense of accomplishment, it also is a form of having your name live on as a personal extension through your children and having children is a form of completing a family. Some may say that a family is not complete without children, and that could be true considering most families have at least one kid. Not having a child can make a couple feel the need to search for something that will complete the idea of a family they have. When explaining why the family needs children, Berelson says, "Children need the family, but the family seems also to need children, as the …show more content…

Some may even consider having kids their only real achievement. Berelson covers this when he said, "They [parents] are looked up to by the child(ren), literally and figuratively, and rarely does that happen otherwise" (254). Because of the fact that these parents have never been in a position of power they feel as if they have accomplished one of the hardest tasks in life. This positive assurance of having children can cause the person to have more children because they like the power that comes with it. This power also helps the parents grow and gives them experience that will help them out with aspects in life other than

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