On Why Kids Drop Out Of Sports Essay

1982 Words8 Pages

Parents & Youth Sports: Keeping your Kids in the Game

It’s no secret that most kids drop out of sports by the time they’re in middle school.[1] This is unfortunate because sports can have many benefits for kids including:[2]
•reduced risk of obesity
•increased cardiovascular fitness
•healthy growth of bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons
•improved coordination and balance
•a greater ability to physically relax and, therefore, avoid the complications of chronic muscular tension (such as headache or back ache)
•improved sleep
•mental health benefits, such as greater confidence
•improved social skills and personal skills - including cooperation and leadership

If your child doesn 't participate in sports or drops out of sports by middle school, they …show more content…

I’ve seen kids drop out of sports time and time again. Talented children who pour their hearts into youth sports in elementary school will stop playing because it’s just not fun for them anymore. Why? They feel too much pressure or their parents push them too hard, they may be upset because they’re not selected for elite teams, or they are bullied by peers and coaches.

As a sports parent and youth sports coach for more than 20 years, I can share that bullying in youth sports is rampant. I 've seen bullying in youth sports coming from a few different sources: opposing team members, teammates, coaches, and parents. Bullying in youth sports can take many forms. Here are some examples:
•A team member who does not perform as well as others is ridiculed.
•A team member is ostracized because a "leader" on the team doesn 't like them.
•A highly talented team member is teased or bullied because the bullies are jealous.
•A team member is teased, harassed, or hurt by a coach who believes such behavior will improve the player 's