
Why Do Plants Grow Eukaryotic Organisms?

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Plants are photosynthetic, eukaryotic organisms that are predominantly adapted for life on land (Huxley and Walter, 2005). Plants grow in a variety of diverse landscapes and climates and are primarily adjusted to their native environment. Crop farmers, who also live in a variety of environments, must adapt their farming practices if they are to grow crops successfully. For example, the strawberry fruit is a plant native to temperate parts of North America, but the fruit is grown in many regions of the world including Australia (Strawberries Australia, n.d.). Agriculture is fundamental to human survival, as it is the major method of food production, and is the biggest employer for people living in rural areas (The Conversation, 2014). According …show more content…

One of these organelles is the chloroplast. Chloroplasts are found in a plant's leaf cells, and contain a molecule of green pigment called chlorophyll, which gives many plants their green colour. The chloroplasts of a plant's cell are where photosynthesis occurs, the process in which light energy from the sun is converted to chemical energy in the form of consumable sugars or glucose (see Figure 1) (Huxley and Walter, 2014). This radiant energy from the sun is a plant's major source of energy. Oxygen is also a product of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll molecules act as a photoreceptor, absorbing the light energy from the sun and converting it to chemical bond energy or Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (May, n.d.). …show more content…

The dwarf bean plant is a type of leguminous plant, a type of flowering plant which produces legumes or seeds, such as beans and peas. Most plants germinate and grow in soil, a natural composition of solids, liquids and gases (Crouse, 2015). Not only does soil provide a viable structure for root growth, but it also serves as a water filtration device and nutrient deposit, both being essential for plant growth. Once a seed has been planted in soil it will typically go through a stage of germination, where the seed will grow Unlike animals, plants have no primary arrangement such as an internal or external skeleton to protect their internal physiology and provide structure for their bodily structures (Regenerative, 2016). Although the amount of water plants need for sustaining growth in variable depending on what type of plant it is and how much light the plant receives, plants that are not watered "wilt". Wilting occurs when a plant, leaf or flower becomes limp or droops because of loss of water, sunlight or nutrients, or as a result of disease. Plant cells, unlike animal cells have a cell wall. Cell walls within the structure of the plant allow for rigidity and for the plant to maintain a solid form. Plants need a certain amount of pressure within their cells to maintain the sturdiness of the cell walls. This pressure is created by water and various dissolved salts

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