
Why Do Uk Allow Refugees

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In the wake of the recent Paris attacks the argument of allowing refugees into the UK has been a greatly debated topic and has been argued incessantly in the media. A common argument that is given is that, allowing the refugees into the UK will bring terrorists attacks to the country, people believe that hidden amongst the refugees are terrorists and that bringing so many Muslims into the country will cause destruction to the nation. They believe Muslims are the root cause of terrorism and terrorist acts however there is evidence to show Islam’s stance on terrorism and show that allowing refugees into the country should be a moral obligation as It is inhumane of the people of this country to neglect men, women and children who are fleeing severe war and persecution in …show more content…

This is not a drastic change and will certainly not make it a Muslim continent. A Muslim minority is neither new nor reason to be afraid. Birth rates in many party of the Western World are low, so some fear asylum seekers might overtake the native population in a few decades. Studies have shown that even though birth rates are higher among Muslims in Europe they drop and adjust as the standard of living and level of education rises. Most Syrian refugees are educated, the birth rate in Syria before the civil war was not very high and the population was shrinking not growing. The fear that refugees lead to higher crime rates also turns out to be wrong. Refugees who become immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than the native population. When allowed to work, they tend to start businesses and integrate themselves into the workforce as fast as possible, paying into the social systems than they extract from them. Syrians coming to the West are potential professional workers, desperately needed to sustain Europe’s aging

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