Why Do We Need A Bystander Not Take Action In Time Of Trouble

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A bystander is a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part. Should a bystander not take action in time of trouble? This can make odds even worse than it already is establish, or tables could turn for the better. Changes happen in America, because a bystander decided to take a stand against the wrong doings or in a horrific situation. However, bystanders do not have the responsibility to arbitrate in times of trouble. Therefore it only takes one to actually stand up and speaks out, or get involved to make a change. Bystanders do not have the responsibility to get involved, yet they do have the opportunity. Some persons choose to run towards the problem instead of running away from it, for they possess that heroic quality to help others in time of trouble. “There will undoubtedly come a time when you are faced with a situation in which you can intervene and help stop a potentially dangerous situation - stopping someone from driving drunk, eliminating bullying behavior, or preventing a sexual assault from occurring.” (Samuel Merritt University) When you hear of horrific situation occurring, you may think to yourself “What is the …show more content…

Are you going to stand by and wondering who will be the next, or will you stand up and be the next. It took those like Martin Luther King Jr. to not just stand by, but stand up to bring a change to inequality. Rosa Park didn’t just stand by, but stood up by not giving up her seat on the bus. “Now that she is facing her moments of suffering as a results of the renewals that she faced, I know that all people of goodwill will come to her rescue.” (The Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project) Since those person decided to stand up and not stand by, we now live in a world where that inspiration made numerous of others stand up against anything they find fit to make the world a better place for you and