Why Do We Need To Be Saved By The Law

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There is a price that must be paid to rectify the awful state of mankind. Properly speaking one is not justified by faith, which would render faith as form of works; it is the grace of God that the sinner is justified. Until this time, the Jew felt they were able place their hopes upon certain things (Rom. 2:17-29). By concentrating on this, Paul is able to argue that they are not saved by the law, by circumcision, or birth. He proposes four questions and then responds to each showing how the Jew did not have a particular advantage to justification (Rom 3:1-8). The Jews were entrusted with the oracles of God they were a privileged people, but still would not escape God’s wrath. With the awareness of the negative consequences, reconciliation …show more content…

3:27-28). The Jew believed that they could obtain salvation by what they did. They now could reasonably ask if the Law had no meaning. Paul responds that the law is established by faith teaching the Law was never a means to obtain salvation; it was there to show the utter necessity of faith. Bruce points out that Paul does not mean that the law should not be keep, but that even if someone does a good job of keeping them there is still no justification in God’s sight. To think one is justified and therefore excused from sinning is a sign one is not actually under grace. While the apostle Paul often speaks of the law in terms of something that must be obeyed or something one must do, he never refers to it as something that must be believed suggesting he viewed them as distinctly different. From Adam man’s sin originated and death reigned until the Law was given unto Moses (Rom 5:13-14). Until this time, the law of nature and the law of conscience were sufficient convicting and condemning men. The Law is based on its ability to reveal the regulations and requirements of God. In essence, the Law says that if someone can perfectly perform the actions of the Law then they will meet the demands of the Law. Unfortunately, even if one could meet the demands, all of human nature is doomed through the sin of Adam. Adam’s infection of the human race has caused all to now be brought under sins