
Why Do You Believe That Olivia Have Been A Girlish Infatuation?

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Would Lord Wrotham refuse to marry if he even suspected that Olivia had been tricked into this? That would explain why Lord Warrington was so adamant his sister not let on about how this arrangement had been sprung on her. Susanna realized the magnitude of her next answer. If Lord Wrotham didn't believe her, there might be no wedding, and that could be just as bad for her as if he learned about the switch. Could she make him believe that Olivia had realized her regard for Sir George had just been a girlish infatuation? Forcing her eyes back to his face, she hung her head as if ashamed. "I have been made to see reason, my lord. My regard for Sir George was only an infatuation, which would not have lasted. Too late I realized the magnitude …show more content…

Susanna knew Olivia would've never delivered such a humiliating speech, not even if she'd been threatened with bodily harm. He'd undoubtedly heard the gossip about Olivia's scandalous behavior—and Susanna knew better than anyone the stories that were currently circulating among the ton—so would he be able to believe that such a marked contrast in her attitude was real? She would give a lot to know in what manner Olivia's brother had pitched the idea of Lord Wrotham marrying his sister sight unseen. He was young, titled, probably at least tolerably wealthy, and, if he hadn't been so grim, might not be too unpleasant to look at. His demeanor suggested he wasn't eager to gain Olivia's dowry. This begged the question, why would someone who appeared perfectly able to choose an unspoiled innocent for his bride agree to wed someone in Olivia's …show more content…

She almost sighed in relief, but caught herself just in time. "Are you then telling me that you assent to this marriage of your own free will?" Now that he believed her, she looked at him with confidence. "Yes, completely. Do I satisfy the conditions that you have for this marriage?" "I suppose so." He wrinkled his brow, as if still confused that it should be so. He'd obviously expected to find Olivia less than willing, even without her brother present. "In that case, let me introduce myself properly. I am Andrew Wrotham, Viscount Wrotham. Now that you know my name, do you recall your brother ever mentioning it?" She knew it would be wiser to say otherwise, since she had no idea of the relationship between the two men. "If he did, my lord, it was in passing and I don't recall it. I am afraid that beyond your name, title, and that you have agreed to marry me, I know virtually nothing about you or your connection to my brother." "We served under Wellington together. We were not exactly friends, but Marcus once did me a service that I could not repay in terms of money." He studied her for her reaction, obviously expecting

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