Why Do You Carried Out A Titration

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To determine the amount of iron in the iron tablets I carried out a titration, however the titration I carried out in a school lab is different to how titrations are carried out in industry. For example in schools, titrations are carried out by hand using a burette and measurements carried out by us, whereas in industry there are machines that are automated to carry out titrations by themselves. In schools when the titration is carried out by hand it means that it will take longer, and be less accurate because there is room for human error compared to the machine in industry which takes less time and is more accurate however it costs a lot more money than the cost of burettes and measuring cylinders etc. Another disadvantage of the method used in school is that the cleaning method is not always certain to get rid of all contamination left in the equipment as we only clean the equipment by hand, this is by rinsing with distilled water 3 times and then rinsing the equipment with the solution it will be holding, whereas most equipment will have specific cleaning instructions and will sometimes be able to perform a process in which it cleans itself. This also effects the impact on …show more content…

In industry they need to do this on a bigger scale and with a higher level of accuracy, some industries use a multichannel array spectrometer which is equipped with a fibre optic probe and this helps the acquisition of emission spectra. This has many significant advantages over the usual method in schools because in schools the result is based on people’s opinions which can lead to inaccuracy whereas this piece of equipment analyses the colour itself to give an accurate result. However the price of the school method is far cheaper than the piece of equipment used in industry so the buyers would need to evaluate if the cost of the product is worth the time and accuracy benefits of