Why Does Atticus Show Courage In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, tells the story of a small, quiet town in Maycomb, Alabama during the 1930’s of Scout Finch and her brother Jem, along with Atticus Finch. Mr. Finch, the widowed father of Scout and Jem, as well as a local lawyer to the town will stand for what he believes in no matter the struggle. Atticus stands behind those who he thinks are being treated unfairly. Hence, he teaches Scout and Jem what it means to have courage. This novel demonstrates how courage is required when facing a challenge that may seem to go beyond what one may think is impossible because one may never know what they can accomplish without trying. Throughout the book, many characters show courage. Atticus shows lots of courage when he was at the mob. They wanted to hurt him. However, he didn't show much sign of fear. "Atticus tried to stifle a …show more content…

Courage for Boo was viewed differently. He is a shy man who doesn't experience life's challenges like the rest of us. This is why his acts of bravery are so big. He was brave enough to leave his house despite all of the rumors the town had about him. Boo had come out of his house again on Halloween night saving Jem and Scout. "...his arms were like steel. He slowly squeezed the breath out of me. I could not breathe. Suddenly he was jerked backward and flung on the ground." (Lee 262). This quotes illustrates that Boo Radley came out of nowhere and saved Jem and Scout. Atticus was very thankful of Boo because he saved his children. This took a lot of courage from Boo Radley. Boo is always protecting the two children. Again, at the end of the book, when Boo was in the house, he was courageous to stay and talk to everyone considering that he hasn't showed his face in years. Furthermore, when Jem lost his pants, Boo sewed them up for him. Even though the job wasn't that sufficient, he took the time and put in the effort to help