Why Does Cendrillon Shake Her Head In Refusal?

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Reading for Comprehension/Gather Information
Purpose of Reading: Students will read the text to identify the different viewpoints the characters have in the story.
● Say: Today we will focus on thinking about the point of views the characters have about specific events that happen in the story. Character point of view is how a character thinks, feels or responds to events or actions from another character in the story. It’s important to understand character point of view because characters can often feel very differently about the same topic. We will reread parts of the Cendrillon story to find identify how Cendrillon and Nannin feel about the specific events that happen in the story.
● Create the following chart to use alongside …show more content…

She tells Cendrillon, “Do not cry...tonight you will go to the ball.”

After the ball Nannin’ tells Cendrillon, “ I will help you visit Paul again.” Why does Cendrillon shake her head in refusal?

While Nannin’ wants to help Cendrillon visit the prince, Cendrillon feels the prince does not have true feeling for her. Cendrillon thinks the prince only danced with her and showed her attention because he was under a spell of the magic wand.

Reread p. 36. Why does Nannin say to Cendrillon, “Now, child, if you love me, do this one thing: Go out into the hall.”, when the prince comes to visit?

Nannin’ wants Cendrillon to go out into the hall so the prince will see her but Nannin’ also knows that Cendrillon does not believe the prince loves her for who she really is.

Think, Pair, Share: Why does Cendrillon say, “ No Godmother dear...No more spells when Nannin’ tapps Cendrillon with the wand.

Nannin’ wants the prince to see Cendrillon as he did at the ball, but Cendrillon wants to see if the prince will love her without the spells and magic.

Text #3: Bigfoot Cinderrrrrella, Tony Johnston and James Warhola
2-3 days
Focus of Instruction: Reading and Responding to Text and Vocabulary …show more content…

25 the prince says, “ Where my stinking beauty go?” Think, Pair, Share: Why would the prince want a stinking beauty?

The prince wanted a stinking beauty because he was also smelly, and he wanted a wife that was going to be as smelly as he was, so they could enjoy life together.

Turn and Talk: What can we learn from how Rrrrella charmed the prince?

We can learn that it is okay to be different from everyone else. Sometimes being yourself is all that is needed to find someone who loves you. Love is not about the outer appearance, but what we offer as individuals.

Extension Activities:
Inform students they will have to visualize and imagine being the evil stepmother. They will be the voice of the evil stepmother, and use all that they gained from the text and illustrations to jump into her shoes.
○ Re-read both reactions of the step mothers.
○ Allow students take notes to formulate reasons (collected in a graphic organizer) the stepmother thinks Rrrrrella would not be the best choice.
○ In 4-5 sentences students will construct the stepmother’s speech telling why the prince should not marry Rrrrrella and why the evil stepsisters are actually the best choices.
● If time permits allow students to read aloud their speeches taking on the role as the evil