
Why Does Moana Have The Most Impactful Journey

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Why does Moana have the most impactful journey?Let me tell you why she is, and about her journey. She saved an island and her family, she found out who she really was, she learned lots of lessons along the way. Moana is the Disney character who has the most impactful journey because, she went on the journey to save an island and her family, she found out who she really was, she learned lots of lessons along the way.

Her saving an island and her family is a significant reason that led to Moana having an impactful journey. Moana went on the journey to save her family because there was a sickness that was going around her island casuing people to get sick. She saved the island of Te Fiti by restoring the heart to Te Kā.

A challenge that Moana experienced was her finding out who she really was.
She found out who her ancestros were and what they did in the ocean. She found out that she wanted to identify as a voyager, this is her purpose and her identity. She realized that the voice she was hearing was coming from inside her.

Moana also learned lessons which helped her along her journey. Moana learned to focus on her goals, she was focused on finding Maui and returning the heart to Te Fiti. She leanred that she needed to respect her elders, when Moana was younger she felt the ocean calling to her, but she had to stay on the …show more content…

On the other hand some people might argue that she is not an impactful hero because she had a reflection of Te Kā, she got angry when people did not believe in her. Maui is the real hero in the story, people might believe that Maui was the only hero in the story because he was the one in the lead for some of the story. She did not take advice from certain people, when her dad told her to stay on the island she didn’t listen and took her grandma Tala’s advice to return the

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