Why Does Sethe Lost In Beloved

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A story about a damaged family, and a world of mystical elements- Beloved, by Toni Morrison, does a great job of exploring themes of self loss, and the ability to love others. In truth, Sethe never seems to truly love anyone, but Beloved. Sethe goes through disgusting, traumatic events, but still ends up a functional, caring person. She maintains her sanity, her ability to love and care for others, but the one thing that she ultimately loses is the ability to love herself. Sethe has been sexually assaulted by two young boys, and later on, slits her own daughter’s throat. The result is that years later, that dead daughter comes back to haunt (in the flesh). Why does Beloved come back? Because she is the physical embodiment of what Sethe has lost. Love for herself, her sexual energy and force, the ability to open up other people, and Beloved (as a baby) wants revenge for what Sethe did to her. Beloved has all these qualities and comes back to complete herself and Beloved. In the beginning of the story, life is going …show more content…

Beloved develops a love and even caution of losing Sethe, because she doesn’t want to deny herself of the love again that was lost so long ago when Sethe abandoned her. Referring to both the self-love embodiment and Beloved herself. Beloved then latches on to Sethe and manipulates her until she is dependent on Beloved. She does this because since Beloved is Sethe’s love for herself, she wants Sethe to love herself- also Beloved, so that Sethe can be complete once again. But that's not what ends up happening. This loving ends up turning into a very unhealthy, one-sided relationship, and once Beloved has the necessary power over Sethe, she starts to abuse her. Beloved, which throughout the exposition will be another name for Sethe’s love for herself, does this because she is angry. Angry at the fact that Sethe would abandon her. Now that she’s back, she will take revenge on