Why Guns Should Not Be Banned

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Firearms are weapons of destruction. A Lot of people disagree and have very legitimate reasons why firearms should not be banned. There are several controversies that suggest banning the use or possession of firearms. Guns absolutely should not be banned. Guns can be weapons of destruction or a form of self-protection depending on the user and the training of that particular person. Being trained by a firearms instructor can help users know the importance of firearm safety and how to properly use firearms. Firearms are to be used for self-protection and war. Also taking away firearms is against the 2nd amendment according to the United States Constitution--"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Therefore, banning firearms is against the United States Constitution. In conclusion firearms are to not be banned and should remain in the hands of responsible, trained, citizens. Certified firearm instructors are essential in insuring Americans have the right to bear guns. An instructor can teach the basics of gun safety and can also express how to use a gun. Gun safety is needed in having a gun; therefore, everyone should be required to take a …show more content…

This is what police are for: stopping and preventing criminal activity before and after they occur. Police are not always there to help. There are corrupt law enforcement. Also, the police won 't always find or see criminal activities that continue to happen everyday.This is why police training should go under strict training. A new type of stricter training will help decrease gun incidents and other criminal activities. People who are going to buy a gun should be background checked before even considering selling to that person. Any place that sells guns should be checked monthly or even weekly to insure correct