Why Hamlet Delays In Killing His Uncle, King Claudius

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There are several theories about why Hamlet delays in killing his Uncle, King Claudius. As the son of a murdered noble, Hamlet is obligated to avenge the death of his father. It’s a law, but he must first talk with god to ensure his safety in his journey and that taking vengeance will not send him straight to hell.
The act is never performed until the end of the play. Quite some time after Hamlet discovered Claudius was his father 's killer. Some historians and literary experts would say Hamlet 's strong religious believes held him back from performing this sinful deed. Others say that Hamlet was a melancholic and therefore was too depressed to kill his uncle. Infamous psychologist, Sigmund Freud, felt Hamlet suffered from an oedipal complex and could not kill Claudius because he himself wished to be in Claudius ' royal position. …show more content…

When the ghost of King Hamlet appears and tells his son that Claudius killed him by pouring poison in his ear, Hamlet does not act straight away he takes his time to think about what the ghost told him. He wonders whether it is a good ghost or a bad ghost. He plans things out wanting the new king to be embarrassed for what he has committed. When the group of actors come to town, Hamlet says to one of them, "Dost thou hear me old friend? Can you play The Murder of Gonzago?" The player agrees that he can perform the play. "We 'll ha 't tomorrow night. You could for a need study a speech of some dozen or sixteen lines which I could set down and insert in 't, could you not."
Hamlet delays in killing Claudius not only because he 's suffering from an Oedipal complex but also because his basic sanity keeps him from killing Claudius. In society we are taught that those who commit murder are sick or insane and will go to hell. However, Hamlet 's society believes the son of a murdered noble is responsible for avenging his father. And if the son does not abide to this law he himself deserves

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