Why I Am Nervous To Get Your First Communion?

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Intro “Pretend nobody is watching you.” There were people chattering, beeping sounds and the clanging of the dishes all around us. Keep on reading to read more about my memories. Have you ever gotten nervous to get your first communion? Well, I have. It was a bright and sunny Sunday at the St. James church. There were excited chattering with the smell of homemade powder doughnuts and coffee. While my sister and I were standing right outside of the church doors, I could feel a cool breeze in my face. I was nervous, just standing there. But then people started, staying, “Pretend nobody is watching you.” That built up my confidence. Getting my first communion meant I got to be a part of what everyone else does! So, every time I go to church, I get really excited. Do you ever get excited about going someplace special? …show more content…

I did. I thought it would be fun to get out of school early and watch my sisters get a shot. The doctors said they don’t have to get one, but I could get a shot, so I did. I couldn’t write for 2 or 3 days because it hurt so much. After, we went to Panda Express because I chose it. There’s cold air before we walk in. I walked in and felt warm air. We got our food and sat down. There were people chattering, beeping sounds and the clanging of the dishes all around us. Right when I try to grab my drink, my sister, Karina, grabbed it right out of my hand. And we all started