Why I Joined World War I Dbq Essay

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There were many reasons why America didn’t join World War I. The U. S. felt they did not need to get involved in foreign country conflicts that did not directly affect them. That wasn’t the only reason why the U. S. didn’t feel the need to join the war. Americans were scared that if they joined the war they would slip back into a Gilded Age. Joining the war could potentially mean that the U. S. would be distracted from all the progress they fought so hard for in the Progressive Era. Furthermore, the many social groups wanted to remain neutral. The Irish-Americans for example, did not want to help England because of their long standing political and religious tensions. Initially America did not want to join WWI, but propaganda, economic …show more content…

In order to not appear vulnerable and to avoid attacks from other countries, America wanted to appear strong and united. The American government flooded the press, “using their influence through the newspapers to support the interests of the government”. (Doc 1) The government used propaganda to coerce and manipulate the ideas that Americans had about the war. An example of this was when “The “Literary Digest published an article that said that newspapers across the country are reporting how Americans are in support of joining the war. (Doc 7) At the time, President Wilson passed the Sedition Act. This was not the first passed act of its kind. The Act made it a crime to speak out negatively against the government. This Act seemed like a complete violation of freedom of press and speech, but it was accepted as a national security measure and Wilson was able to establish a committee on public information. This committee flooded the country with pro-WWI propaganda. The use of propaganda in the press and by passing laws that make it illegal to speak negatively about the government influenced the minds of Americans to be in support of the …show more content…

joined WWI. Two examples of these threats were the German U-Boat attacks and the Zimmerman Telegram. The Germans promised not to attack any American ships but, they broke their pledge. The Lusitania was one of many ships Germany attacked. After this attack the United States put their foot down. One hundred twenty- eight Americans died on the Lusitania and the U.S. had enough; “it would use its submarines to sink every vessel that sought to approach... Great Britain... or the western coast of Europe.” (Doc. 5) By the U.S. entering WWI, they showed the Germans not to mess with them. The Zimmerman Telegram is another reason why the U.S. joined WWI. Germans sent a telegram to Mexico asking them to help fight the Americans. In return for fighting, the Germans “will give you back the land that America stole from you”. After Germans sent this telegram, they proposed “In the event that the United States is drawn to the war, we make Mexico a proposal of alliance” (Doc 4). Before the Zimmerman Telegram, Mexico did not know who to side with. Of course Mexico would want their land back. The Germans were basically pitting America against Mexico. Germany thought they were superior because of their attacks on America. America wanted revenge from “The Zimmerman telegram and the sinking of the Cunard liner Laconia with three Americans among the lost”. (Doc 7) As a result of these attacks, America came