Why I Pursue My Motivation To Attend College

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I am so motivated to attend a four year college. I don’t want to make the same mistakes my mom made. She never completed her education and we have really struggled. She is still trying to get a degree one credit at a time at night. When my mom was young she didn’t get the opportunity to go to school. My grandparents would take her out of school so she could work in the fields and care for her siblings. She did finish high school but she didn 't end up going to college. To this day my mom is still a single parent and has provided for my brother and I. I am currently working at Si Senior. I usually work after school and on the weekends. I have saved up some money to go to College but with my pay check I also help buy groceries or pay a bill at my house. To every school that I have applied to, I applied to there …show more content…

I would go on the days I didn’t have school.

Also I took classes at my church. As a project we had to go and do something that would give back to the community. Every other Saturday we visited a senior center. Many people don’t realize how lonely elderly people can be, so it was good knowing that I was able to play board games with them and keep them company.

When I was two years old I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. It 's not a rare disease, but children usually don 't get it. It causes pain in my joints and stiffness. Most of my childhood consisted of going to Children 's Hospital in Seattle and taking medications and going to doctor’s appointments for check ups. I live in Burlington, my mom would have to drive me to Seattle, which can be two hours each way.

I didn 't know how to deal with the pain at times. I couldn 't move and would just lay on my bed. It mostly affected my ankles, wrist and jaw. I couldn’t play or do sports or activities when the pain and treatment interfered. But eventually I got well enough that I could be a cheerleader in high

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