Why I Want To Be A Forensic Pathologist Essay

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Mystery of the Dead Do you know someone who does not like engaging with people, yet they love seeing blood and intrigued with the field medicine? Anyone with these interests should consider the favorable aspects of forensic Pathologist and work directly on the dead. Pathologist are very unique doctors; instead of trying to save the living, they find out exactly how the deceased got that way and if there was any sort of foul play involved. Forensic pathology is great career field to pursue if you can handle being around and working with dead bodies daily. I am interested in things such as autopsies and many other things in the medical field and forensic pathology will provide me with the lifestyle I want to live and the excitement …show more content…

Forensic pathologist also must collect other things and run test on not only on the body, but what could have happened with the body, they run toxicology test and ballistic test and must be able to read and interpret the results. They must be able to determine whether the death was suicide, homicide, or natural causes. A major part of a forensic pathologist job is mostly autopsies and examining bodies. “If a complete autopsy is requested, the pathologist removes and dissects the chest/abdominal and pelvic organs and the brain” (Live science). During these autopsies forensic pathologist cut into the body, making an “Y” incision from both shoulders down through the torso. This would normally be a major cut with an obscene amount of blood but because the heart is no longer pumping there is not too much. Each internal organ is weighed and put into formalin to preserve organs for a more precise dissection. When examining the brain, the incision is made from ear to ear to make sure no soft tissue is harmed. When the autopsy is complete the organs are returned to the body and is sewn up with a “baseball” stitch to close the corpse unless the corpse is being

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