Why I Want To Become An Arkansas 4-H State Officer

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In years past, I’ve always known that I wanted to give back to the one program that has always given so much to me. I was never sure how to complete that task, but after I attended the Livestock Leadership Academy over the spring break of 2016, I knew exactly what I was going to do . This leadership academy enabled me to network with a few of the current state 4-H officers, giving me this exciting idea. I made up my mind to become an Arkansas 4-H State Officer! Becoming a State 4-H Officer would mean I could have more opportunities to mentor the future generations of Arkansas 4-H. Although I have always been busy with other organizations, such as FFA and the Arkansas Junior Angus Association, I have always kept in mind which organization …show more content…

I wanted to attend this conference that would allow me to give back to others, but it would also cause me to let down my livestock judging team/obligation I had previously made in the process. I have always had a love and passion for judging livestock. Without 4-H, my love for the livestock industry would never have been as powerful as it is now. Considering the circumstances, I had no other option than to attend TLC, even if that meant I could only be there for a short period of time. As a state 4-H ambassador, I made an obligation to encourage younger members to get involved while attending this conference that grows 4-H kids into competent young men and women. I helped create and lead workshops, as well as engaged attendees in team building activities in hopes of making these first year kids feel welcomed and comfortable in the environment. Even though I was super excited to be running for a state 4-H office, I did not let that fog my mind as to the real purpose I would be attending TLC. My commitment to 4-H is to lead and inspire others to love the program that has something to offer everyone that is willing to …show more content…

I knew that being a state officer was not guaranteed when I began my officer candidacy, but I wanted to be certain to do everything to the best of my ability. I could leave no room for error. On the day of District 4-H O’Rama, it was finally time to put my skills to the test. I had brought everything I could have possibly needed, including props, posters, and even an easel for my props. I did my best to deliver my candidate speech to the best of my ability. I remember being on the stage thinking, there's so many people in the audience, and this is so intimidating. Then I began to realize that also means there's a lot of people I can influence from where I am standing right now.That gave me such a calm, serene feeling. I remember speaking to the audience, telling them about my experiences with perseverance, especially when it came to showing livestock. I remember walking off the stage feeling like I had just hit the nail on the head. Waiting patiently for the results, I was hoping and praying that I would achieve my goal. As the results were announced, my name was never called. I could not be unhappy with myself because this candidacy had given me the opportunity to share a short portion of my experience in 4-H with the future members the Ozark

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