Why I Want To Earn Equal Pay Essay

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I am only 16 years old but I am scared at what my future holds, I am scared that I wont be earning enough money to live off, especially because I want to become a paediatric nurse. Equality, what does it mean to you? To me it means that we as people are all treated the same and get equal amounts of things, to others it may mean something different. Some people seem to think that men are higher than women in the world, that they deserve to get more things and get more opportunities. Some research has just been done that showed a large amount of women thought that men were superior to them, I believe that this has occurred because this is what we have been taught and learnt to believe. Equal pay is needed in not just our country but every other country. We all work the same and do the same things so why do men get more money to live off than women. …show more content…

Nurses are under paid enough as it is. Research has been done to investigate in the nursing world if males and paid more than females, they have concluded that yes male registred nurses are getting paid more than female registred nurses. In general males are earning over 50% more than femaes in most occupations. All across the medical field women dominate this industry, so why are the women getting paid less than the men?, to me this makes no sense, if women are so needed in these areas of expertese then why aren’t they paid

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