Why I Want To Go To College Essay

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My whole life I knew that I wanted to go to college. As a child I was told, ‘in order to make lots of money and live a happy life, you must go to college’. As I grew up and learned more about college I realized that I needed to pick a major to study. Since I was a baby there were three things I absolutely adored, Video games, building things, and the military. Once I heard people get payed a lot of money to do that very things I love, I was immediately interested. As I began my search for the best colleges; I quickly found that Full Sail University and West Point are the two best contenders in my search for success. These two schools stand out to me for two reasons, the rate of success and most importantly the challenge they offer. West point …show more content…

This doubt stemmed from by experience and fondness of writing. I express myself through words and literature, but I find myself self-loathing whenever I can’t quickly come up with material to write. For some reason I have convinced myself that authors and poets never struggle with writer's block. Or maybe it's because my family hold me to such high regard when comes to my writing ability. My mother has always told me, and everyone she meets, that I am an excellent story teller. You see, mother had a funny of looking at things. Whenever I would lie she'd say that it was a tall tale instead of a lie. My mother never wanted me to feel like I was a bad person, and never called me a liar; I’m merely a story teller. My favorite writing prompt is ‘how do you express yourself?’ and I'm sure you can see why. Writing is a disgustingly underrated form of art. Writing allows one to enter not only enter another world, it allows the writer to enter a world molded by their creativity. Writing lets someone be the person they've always wanted to be. The boy whose family is struggling with money has millions and uses it help others that are in his situation. The girl that everyone calls fat and ugly is the most popular girl and has men dying at her feet. My writing allows me to live my wildest dreams, and answer many of my what ifs. Writing lets me say the things I can't say in person. The beautiful thing about it is that some days it's for school or even for fun, other days its therapy. One of my many hopes in life is that my writing ability will take me far and aid in my success. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an essay to