Why I Want To Join A Jazz Band Essay

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No Mel should not join the all-city jazz band, Because he would be letting down his friends first of all he could be ruining his opportunity in the future with his friends because they may never speak to each other again also another reason is that if he joins his friends will think that Mel is better than us and maybe find a new friends and my final reason would be there personal bonds as a group friendship is an amazing thing to have. But also if Mel were to join the Jazz-band he might become rich and famous for being one of the best Jazz players the world has ever seen before. First of all if Mel wants to join a jazz band he would have to give up his social life, For example he might get so caught up in his career he could forget his friends all together and could result in never being able to meet or make new friends as an individual. Friendship and bonding as a group is more important than having to spend a week trying to learn new jazz notes and also trying to keep up with your work. Mel could be missing one of the most important parts of his life maybe even if his friends stuck together they could possibly become a famous rock band and have tons of fans and become legends. …show more content…

Friends, Family, School, and his social life he could get so caught up in his auditions and practice he could forget the important things in his life he could never have the opportunity to bond with family and friends also could miss out most of his school work. But having that said there could be the possibility of having the ability to multitask things Mel might actually be able to pull this off and could forget everyone that has brought him to this point in his

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