Why I Want To Pursue My Major At Iowa State University

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We’ve been told that hard work and dedication pays off in the end. Personally, this statement refers to the amount of hard work and dedication I put into my education. As a result of my efforts, I was accepted for admission to Iowa State University, which is ranked 108th in the nation ("Iowa State University"), for software engineering. While at Iowa State, I will be starting my college education, but there werecircumstances I discovered that could cause problems. These problems are why I created a plan to mitigate the cost and the issues created by going so far from home. My major at Iowa State is Software Engineering with a minor in Computer Science, an obvious choice because of my enjoyment of working with computers. “Success is much easier …show more content…

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics “the median salary is $97,990” and “employment is projected to grow by 17 percent by 2024” (“Summary”). Not only does it pay well but finding a job after college will not be too difficult given the growing demand. Minoring in Computer Science is a smart move, and according to Rocky Mountain College, “a minor in Computer Science greatly expands what you can do as well as the jobs that are open to you when you graduate” ("Rocky Mountain College”). The field of Computer Science not only relates to my major, but allows me to pursue another rewarding job field should I so choose. “A Computer Scientist earns an average salary earns an average salary of $85,918 per year”, says PayScale.com (“Computer Scientist Salary”). CNN Money says the middle class income range for Peoria, Illinois is “$33,834 to $99,654,” (“Are You MIddle Class?”) so pursuing a career in either Software Engineering or Computer Science puts me on the higher end of that scale. Either salary will allow me to pay off the cost of attending Iowa State, …show more content…

The NROTC scholarship completely covers tuition, pays up to $750 for textbooks, in addition to a monthly stipend (“Naval Reserve Officers”). If awarded the scholarship, I will only have to pay for my Freshman year of study. Since I can save so much money by taking this route, I am working hard to achieve this goal. I have already written the required essays, I am doing workouts that will allow me to pass the physical fitness test, and am doing NROTC as an elective next year. While in the program I will work hard, like I currently do in JROTC, and apply for a scholarship through the unit. “The Commander of Naval Service Training command is empowered to award scholarships to promising College Program students” according to an article in which Yale University talks about the program (“NROTC

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