Why I Will Obtain A In This Class Essay

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The Reason I Will Obtain an A in This Class How can I obtain a letter grade of A in my Composition II class? The answer to this question sounds like a strait forward answer, but that could be misleading. The three factors to acquiring a letter grade of A in this class are coming to class on time ready to work, turn in all assignments on time when they are asked for by the instructor, and follow all directions that are given to the student by the instructor. I will exam these three factors in depth to come up with a road map in the success of this class that will transfer in the success of all my classes. The first factor for the success of this class is coming to class on time. Time is an exact measure of hours, minutes, and seconds. The world time is kept at Greenwich, England and then split up into twenty-four time zones. We live in the time zone called Central Time Zone, which is six hours behind the Greenwich mean time. To conquer this phenomena, we call time, I will first start with the classroom clock, taking note of its time. Then I will set my car clock 5 minutes faster than the classroom clock. I will set my alarm clock 5 minutes faster than the car clock. All these time advances will create an atmosphere that I urge myself to wake up earlier than the classroom clock. I will …show more content…

Directions are given in my forms for this class. There are written directions that are given in the form of the syllabus, printed paper handouts, e-mails, or white board and markers. There are verbal instructions that are given by word of mouth from the instructor to the student. All forms of these communications have already been used to convey what this first assignment is required to be, how long the assignment is, how to format the assignment, and when the assignment is due. By following all the directions, I will produce a great product that gives myself the opportunity to receive a letter grad of an

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