Why Is Abigail Williams Told In The Crucible

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Despicable Her! A lie can travel all around town before the truth gets out of bed. Everybody talks but doesn’t listen to what is actually happening around them. There are many rumors being told in Salem Massachusetts about Abigail Williams. Some of them could for sure be true, however she may also have her reasons for her actions. A person must be accountable for the wrong decisions they may have made. Salem Massachusetts, a small but very religious town. Abigail Williams is a servant at the Proctor household where John and Elizabeth Proctor live. She was there to help out because Elizabeth was very ill. Moreover, Abigail and John were getting a little too close. Now, Abigail is in her teens and she can fall in what she thinks is love very easily. On the other hand, Mr. Proctor knows what he’s doing and basically does whatever he desires. John is everything Abigail wanted. In fact, Ms. Williams has been messing around the witchcraft and it has been told that she casted a spell on Elizabeth for her to die so that she can have John for herself. She did this while …show more content…

You have to understand that back in those times everything was all about religion and work. If you were to go against the bible you would be hung or go to jail for a long time. Even if you were to demur against the court of law, there would be consequences. In the bible, it states several times about witches and in Salem at that time was a very scary place for anyone! If someone didn’t like you they could accuse you of being a witch and the only way to get out of getting hung was to identify another witch. In their minds, only a witch could identify another witch. Nevertheless, when the young ladies were accused, all they had to do was accuse somebody else and they would be set free. In their despicable minds, those were their next moves. They accused many innocent people, including John Proctor, just to cover their inexorable