Why Is Abortion Morally Wrong

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Abortion has been legal in the United States since the 1900s. However, it is a morally wrong. The definition of an abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception (the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus. When the sperm meets the egg and the egg is fertilized and attaches to the uterus, it is making a human. Abortion is the way that terminates a pregnancy and rejects the fetus (unborn baby), so it is morally wrong and ethically wrong. According to debate.org showed that 67% of American people think that it is morally wrong, so I will demonstrate why it is wrong with the rest of the essay. Induced abortions are a legal right within several restrictions in the U.S. and most other countries today. However, moral advocates believe that terminating the life of a human fetus is equivalent …show more content…

Abortions can be very expensive and dangerous, which cause some women to seek services wherever possible. That is a reason why abortion was legal since 1973. According to “Abortion Issued” article showed” It should be a woman's right to decide whether or not she carries through a pregnancy. If abortions were illegal, women seeking to terminate their pregnancies would be forced to resort to unsafe and dangerous underground procedures. State governments restricting access to abortion are blocking the rights of women to decide what to do with their own bodies. ” However, it still remains the society issue. According to “Abortion Issue Controversies” stated” A fetus is a human life, and abortion is therefore murder. Even if a fetus was conceived by a rape, terminating a pregnancy amounts to killing an innocent child. The so-called morning-after pill constitutes abortion and should be banned. States that have attempted to limit abortions have done the right thing.” Abortion is a wrong act or not dependent on the mother’s moral

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