Why Is Alexander The Great Important

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The city of Alexandria dates back to when Alexander the Great conquered Syria in 331 BCE. Determined to make the city a hub of activity, he set out to create the Library of Alexandria. As it was close to a harbour on the tip of Egypt, it was the ideal spot for travellers from all over the Mediterranean. The library held hundreds of thousands of manuscripts, papyrus scrolls, books, and a great deal of artwork. As the number of documents rose, so did the popularity and importance. Historians, mathematicians, philosophers, artists, poets, scientists, and scholars alike came to the library to study. Most of the visitors being from Greece. With philosophers like Socrates and Plato having studied there, the information discovered in the library, as well as the potential collaboration between renowned scholars could have propelled humanity forwards thousands of years. The plethora of knowledge was completely destroyed when it was burned down by Julius Caesar. The city of Alexandria in Egypt was discovered by Alexander the Great, who was a student of Aristotle, in 331 BCE. It was a small port town of Rhakotis by the sea. Alexander the Great was determined to turn it into a great capital. He left his administrator, Cleomenes to build the city , which grew to be the largest in the known world at the time. It attracted scholars, scientists, philosophers, …show more content…

The initial organization is attributed to Demetrius Phalereus, although it was carried out by Ptolemy I and II. The Great Library of Alexandria began during the Hellenistic Period a time period between 323 BC, when Alexander the Great died and 31 BC. During this time, there was a large amount of city and country besiegement, endless wars, expansion, and invasion within the Mediterranean

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