
Why Is Animal Testing Illegal

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Animal Experimentation Should Be Illegal

Over the course of human history, animals have always had a role to play in so many

various parts of the lives of humans. Whether they were being worshiped as gods or treated like

a member of the family, the lives of humans and animals have always been connected together.

This constant connection is one of the many reasons why it should be illegal for animal

experimentation to take place in the United States as well as around the world. Animals have

become a part of our family and society and needed to be treated fairly and ethically. The

experimentation of animals needs to be illegal from a humanitarian standpoint, because of the

testing methods that exists today, and the legal ramifications of todays society. …show more content…

The humanitarian aspect of animal rights

extends beyond scientific research and into the classroom as well. Science classes across the

United States use animals for dissection purposes in science classes. This treatment of animals

in the classroom is just as unfair for the animals as any scientific research is that is conducted on

Animals are just as important to the world as humans are, possibly more important

considering so much of the worlds population depends on animals as a source of food. But as a

society, some humans have attempted to devalue animals to make them less important than

humans because they are different. Just because someone or something is different, does not

mean that they deserved to be treated unfairly compared to the rest of society. Therefore it is the

responsibility of all humans to stand up to protect the welfare of the animals that are being

wrongly treated and tested on currently.

Testing Methods

As testing methods have changed over the centuries, the one constant during this time

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