Why Is Atticus Finch Wrong

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Atticus Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird was long seen as a cultural role model, a person who’s strong morals held up even under the scrutiny of his entire town and their attempts to stop him from making the right decision and doing the right thing. Then, Go Set A Watchman was released, and a darker side to Atticus Finch was revealed. Atticus’s fall is a jarring one to many readers, but upon further reflection it just shows that he is a product of his time. Even with this defence, his decision to not properly defend Zeebo’s son nor to let him find a lawyer who would properly defend him is the wrong choice in this circumstance. It is not right for him to chose to handle this case this way. Atticus is wrong in this action and in many of the other actions he takes in Go Set a Watchman. …show more content…

However, had Atticus not chosen to take the case, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) would have given him a lawyer who would defend him fully. However, Atticus decides to take the case only because he worries the NAACP will be the “wrong hands” (GSaW, pg 108) to defend Zeebo’s son because they’ll “raise every legal trick in their books” (GSaW, pg 109) to get him a fair trial in Maycomb or to take the trail to Federal court, where we would get a fair trial for sure. Atticus worries that this would lead to problems for Maycomb, but if his way of preventing it is an unfair trial, it’s not the right thing to