
Why Is Atticus Important In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Smash! As the gavel read guilty on a charge of rape for Tom Robinson, this is not the only instance in the book To Kill A Mockingbird where it showed important character traits useful to everyday life. In the book To Kill A Mockingbird, Atticus Finch, Scout and Jem Finch’s father, have a growing interest about society. They develop an understanding most grownups do not understand through multiple experiences in their life, such as the mystery of Boo Radley, which the kids have tried multiple times get him to come out of his house. During this time, Atticus, is defending Tom, who will later be shot and killed trying to escape from prison after a guilty verdict. Most of these important character traits are shown through one character, Atticus …show more content…

For instance, Atticus shows empathy when he says,“Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view-...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it,”(Lee 39). Atticus, a very laid back man who sits and reads newspapers during his spare time, understands others people’s point of views. In this case Mrs. Caroline, Scout Finch’s teacher, had gotten onto Scout for already knowing how to read. Mrs. Caroline told Scout that Atticus had taught her all wrong, in a frantic act to stop her from reading. Later that day Scout told Atticus that she wasn’t well and did not want to go back to school, that he could homeschool her like Atticus was. Atticus refused and he told Scout,”You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view”(Lee 39) which means you cannot look at a situation from just your point of view, you have to look at it from their own point of view to. Another example of Atticus’s empathy is” “ Scout” said Atticus,”when summer comes you’ll have to keep your head about far worse things… it’s not fair for you and Jem,””(Lee 139). At this point in the book, Jem is whacking off the flowers of Mrs. Dubose’s camellia bushes, who says ignorant …show more content…

Mr. Link Deas, who used to hire Tom Robinson, and one of Atticus’s many friends, says “You’ve got everything to lose from this, Atticus. I mean everything”(Lee 195). This is a perfect example of Atticus’s determination Mr. Link Deas, Heck Tate, the judge, and multiple other friends of Atticus came to his doorstep to discuss if Atticus really wanted to defend Tom Robinson. Atticus was determined to defend Tom Robinson,and even answered dangerous questions with even more dangerous answers, such as, when Mr. Link Deas told Atticus he had everything to lose, Atticus replied, “ Do you really think so?”(Lee 195). Atticus who is dead set on defending Tom Robinson, showed his determination of defending his self conscious, and a innocent man. A second example of this determination in Atticus is “”I haven't shot a gun in thirty years--” Mr. Tate almost threw the rifle at Atticus.”I’d feel mighty comfortable if you did now,””(Lee 127). At this point in the novel, Tim Johnson, a dog with rabies, is walking down Atticus’s street, Mr. Heck Tate, the sheriff, gave the rifle to Atticus because he was the deadliest shot in Maycomb in his time. Mr. Tate gave Atticus his rifle and expects Atticus to kill the rabid dog, but Atticus refused until someone’s life such as the Radley’s might have been in danger. Atticus walks into the middle of the street, and as time is

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