Why Is Austria-Hungary Responsible For Ww1

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In my opinion, Austria-Hungary was most responsible for World War 1. I believe this because they issued an ultimatum to Serbia after the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand, they declared war on Serbia, and they asked Germany to back them up in the case their dispute with Serbia caused problems with Russia. Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia after a Bosnian Serb assassinated Franz Ferdinand, who was the Archduke at the time, on June 28,1914. The ultimatum was intended to be rejected in order to give them a reason to go to war. There were ten very notable points in the ultimatum. Suppress all publications which "incite hatred and contempt of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy" and are "directed against its territorial integrity", dissolve the Serbian nationalist organization "Narodna Odbrana" and all other such societies in Serbia, eliminate without delay from schoolbooks and public documents all "propaganda against Austria-Hungary", remove from the Serbian military and civil administration all officers and functionaries whose names the Austro-Hungarian Government will provide, accept in Serbia "representatives of the …show more content…

War was completely uncalled for due to the ultimatum that had already been issued. Some argue that it was appropriate to go to war because Austria-Hungary felt threatened by Serbia and the fact that they didn’t obey every single point in the ultimatum really concerned Austria-Hungary. They make a valid point, but fail to explain that there was any real evidence showing that Serbia was gunning for Austria-Hungary, making war imminent. Some evidence that could be used is the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. Serbia may have partially been responsible for it, but only because the man who killed him was a Bosnian Serb. People need to remember that these were the actions of one man, not the whole

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