Why Is Enigma Important

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During World War Two the German armed forces sent thousand of messages each day and they used a machine called Enigma to encrypt their communications. The German forces believed that Enigma was impossible to decipher, and unless you knew the exact setting of Enigma, you would not be able to decipher the messages. There were over 150 million million million possible settings, and each day the cipher would change. Believing that Enigma was unbreakable, the German forces used the machine in the battlefield, at sea, in the sky, and especially for their secret services. It is believed that if Alan Turing and his team of mathematicians did not break Enigma the war would have continued on for another two to three years, and another 14 to 21 million people who might have been killed. One of the largest threats to the Allies was an attack on their ship convoys, Putting a huge emphasis on getting Enigma broken. If the Allies could locate in advance where German u-boats would be, they could direct their ships, transporting critical supplies from North America away from the German u-boats. The British soon got ahold of one of the Enigma machines when Commander …show more content…

During the start of trying to decode the messages the team would try and solve it by hand but Alan turing had an idea to build a machine, later becoming the Christopher machine, to break the code. As Alan Turing was working on the machine, the team he was working with was getting frustrated as they thought he should be helping them to decipher the code instead of working on a machine they believed would not work. Even though if they had 10 men working on on each setting a minute, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, it would take 20 million