Why Is Fox News Misrepresentation

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This report is an analysis of Fox News. It evaluates the acusation that Fox News is misrepresenting the news just to increase veiwers. It will do this by analyzing stories that they have broadcasted and imformation gained from a study. All suggestions are directed at the Federal Communication Commission.
The primary audience for this report is Tom Wheeler, Chairman of the United States Federal Communications Commission. This study will analyze the possible misrepresentation happening in the Fox News Network. And the way that Fox News may or may not be gaining large amounts of profits from it. A strongly suggested secondary audience is Fox News so that may be aware of anything discovered in this report.

Reliability of the news is an on going …show more content…

This report will evaluate Fox News’ representation of the news and some of the effects it has had. Finally, it will provide recommendations to Tom Wheeler, Chairman of the United States Federal Communications Commission based on the findings of this report. Fox News as a secondary audience would more than likely find the results of this evaluation to be helpful for future programming.
All the research gathered for this report has been from 2010-2015 to ensure that the information is as relative as possible to the topic at hand. One source contains primarily all quantitative data for this report and a chart was created to easily visualize the results of the study. Another source is the legal documentation from a court case that one of the co-hosts of a Fox News morning show was a part of and the results of that case. Another source presents us with some of the times fox news may have presented misrepresentation of information focusing on one case in particular. A few other sources were used to determine the success or failure of Fox News as a broadcasting …show more content…

According to Borger the news co-host Steve Doocy reported on a satirical article that he found online saying that some of the made up quotes used in the article were actually said by the super intendent of the school district. (2010) “Hyperbole over a hunk of ham led the First Circuit to consider in Levesque v. Doocy whether Fox News and co-hosts of its morning show acted with actual malice when they inaccurately reported on a middle school's decision to suspend a student for placing leftover ham on a cafeteria table where Muslim students were sitting.” (Borger, 2010) Borger continues on and explains that the case was dismissed and the, “…dismissal was proper because he had failed to show actual malice.” (Borger, 2010) So in this case it is apparent that Fox News has done somethings on the air that may have not been ethical in the eyes of others. Are these incidents just a few outlying data points or does this happen a lot in fox