Why Is Global Warming Important To The Inuit People

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Global warming was significant to the Inuit people since it was easier to receive fresh water. Fresh water was difficult to collect because most of the snow was polluted and unsafe to drink. Also, the purest water was difficult to receive.

First, at 14:47, it shows how the Inuit people were breaking the ground to find fresh water that was hidden inside. This is an example how the Inuit people were searching for fresh water. Also, they hit the ground to make sure that there is water. Most of the fresh water is underground because the snow that is on the outside is undrinkable. Also, it was also hard to get because the ice is frozen and hard. This is one reason why global warming was significant to the Inuit people.

Secondly, another example is the fresh water is underground due to the fact that the snow was polluted. At 44:18, the video showed how the Inuit people were getting pure water underground. Furthermore, This example shows how the ice on the ground was undrinkable, so they had to dig to find the water. This is another way global warming is significant to the Inuit people. …show more content…

In contrast, it would be dangerous to break. The global warming could melt and they could get the water easier. If the Inuit people broke it, they would not survive. This is significant to the Inuit people. To sum up, global warming is significant to the Inuit people by the glacier melting and give them the fresh water