Why Is Greece Alive

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Greece is alive through their legacy, influence, and development in architecture. Mythology, democracy, art, food and olympics are evidence to the argument that Greece is truly alive
Greece’s rich history and cultural beliefs have lasted so many years. History from Greek times is still taught in many schools around the nation. For example schools read the Odyssey in classes. The point is to learn about past cultures and their historical values. Some of their history has been kept in books and art. Another example of culture that has survived time is Parrhasius the painter. Parrhasius’ artwork is still viewed highly to this day. This legacy Greece has left behind will continue to affect the people of the future for hundreds of years to come.
Greece architecture is world renowned, and has inspired many generations of artists. I understand how people could thiss Greece is dead, considering their economy is in shambles. But if Greece is dead, why have millions of people gone to visit places such as the Temple of …show more content…

One example of their influence is food. In almost every city there is a greek restaurant or diner. Food such as olives were gifted to ancient greece by Athena, when she gave them an olive tree. Since then olives have been a big part of Greek culture and food. Olives have spread all over the world. The greek’s influence was spread through culinary art. It was also spread through politics, because Athens was the birthplace of Democracy. Now, countries all over the world are democratic. Democracy has been passed down since the Ancient times and still used today. The Olympics have also been contributed from ancient greece to modern days. The Olympics have influenced all international sports, such as the UEFA Champions league. Mythology has been portrayed in many books, some superheroes are based on mythological heroes. Greece has influenced the course of the modern world in a large