Why Is Gun Safety Important Essay

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Regardless of your familiarity with firearms or level of marksmanship, both new and experienced shooters always need to focus their thoughts on safety when being around guns. Knowledge of safe practices and, more importantly, always applying that information must be the first and foremost at all times whenever and wherever firearms are present. Whether you are shooting targets or hunting, never allow yourself to become distracted from safety governing your actions. Firearm safety can never be repeated too often or stressed strongly enough, because careless handling of a gun can easily cause devastating results. Safety awareness around firearms may be presented as a simple list of do's and don'ts, or a set of rules or commandments, but any compilation of gun safety and shooting safely cannot be all inclusive. Any single list cannot take into account additional circumstances or unique situations that present themselves. The guidelines presented here are to make a person cognitive of recognizing potential dangerous situations with firearms. When handling firearms and ammunition be mindful of your actions, use good sense and caution. Shooting is a relaxing and enjoyable sport that anyone can take part. The key to it all is to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. The first things to keep in mind for gun …show more content…

Find out how the gun operates before handling it. Know the basic parts and features of any firearm you are using; including the safety mechanism, how to safely open and close the action, and how to load and remove any ammunition from the gun. Knowing the handling characteristics of a gun gives the fundamental information to be able to practice safe gun handling. Read the owner's manual. Ask information from someone who is familiar with the gun. To further familiarize you with the proper use of the gun, consider taking a formal Firearms Safety Course taught by an expert in firearms use and safety

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