
Why Is Ice Hockey: Why Is It Such A Big Part Of Canadian Culture

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Ice Hockey: Why is it such a big part of Canadian culture? Eh!
By Aden Shahin

When a Canadian is asked what makes them Canadian they almost always say the same thing. Tim Hortons, long winters and our pride and joy, Hockey. But why do we believe that a sport is a key part of our culture? Why do we have very non-exclusive attributes as part of who we are and when are we going to accept that Tim Hortons isn’t even good anymore? One of the main reasons why Hockey is so important to us is because we are the ones who made it. While we were not the first to make hockey we were the ones to create modern ice hockey unlike other sports like soccer, where it is impossible to truly find out who invented kicking a ball into a net first. We know how ice hockey was made and it is much more exclusive and accessible in our country. Just look around in January and you’ll see how easy it is to find a rink to play in.
The one who brought Ice Hockey into our lives was a man named James Creighton. Creighton learned it from the British and brought it from Nova Scotia to Montreal in 1872. In 1875 he started practice and on March 3rd, 1875, the first organized indoor ice hockey game was played. This included the skates, hockey sticks and rules that we know and love. He …show more content…

Think about it, we have a hot and cold climate that a lot of other nations have. Our landscape is beautiful but is something seen everywhere because believe it or not, mountains, forests and lakes are quite common. Our food is very limited in variety, uniqueness and taste. I mean can you even name one other classic Canadian dish other than poutine? Finally, other than Quebec and its obsession with French and how it is one of our official languages, we speak primarily English everywhere. Even with all these reasons why we’re not unique, we still have the most important factor,

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