Why Is It Crucial For Christians To Study World Religions

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It is crucial for Christians to partake in the study of world religions. When a person takes the time to learn and do research on others belief that are different from their own, it could be a great way to solidify one’s own belief, and then they can decide what the truth is about of their beliefs. It is easy for someone to say that they are solid in their beliefs, but when something else is brought up onto the table, it could be difficult for a person to defend their viewpoints. It is important for a person to study a myriad of belief systems that could help with determining why their religion is special that they are committed to, and why it is worth following. Once the person has done what he or she has determined to find out about other religious and that they are set with their beliefs, the door is opened for them to share the gospel with others without being ignorant or judgmental towards them. If a person does not have any knowledge or understanding about world religions, it will be difficult for that person to preach the gospel. Most times, …show more content…

In the world most religions have common factors and similarities such as the three Abrahamic religions. The three Abrahamic are “Judaism, Christianity, and Islam”. They all believe in the one and only God. The Abrahamic religion means that they all come from one spiritual source (Wikipedia, 2018). This can teach Christians that other religions believe that God is the head, and the brokenness comes from humanity and have a skewed belief about the world and spirituality. However, I think that with the many difference in other religions that are in the world a lot can learned. Learning about the differences that other religions have, then the followers of Christ can understand much better the greatness of who Jesus is and the promises that he gives to all his