For students with other emotional disturbances that can be managed in a mainstream classroom it is important for the teacher to practice inclusive classroom standards. Inclusion is not limited to students with disabilities, rather in encompasses all differences that make up the students’ demographics. A true inclusive classroom focusses on students with disabilities as well as other factors that may affect the learning environment such as: race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, language, and familial and cultural backgrounds. It is vitally important for students to feel welcomed and comfortable in their classroom for them to flourish academically. Students being able to work and learn alongside their peers different than themselves can help diminish teasing and other forms of bullying in the classroom. Presenting every student on an equal playing filed, all with varying levels of ability gives way to a more welcoming classroom. Mental illness should not be stigmatized and instead should be talked about without judgement. Setting standards of inclusivity include setting the expectation that there will be no teasing, name-calling, or other forms of bullying in …show more content…
OCD is a disorder that involves obsessions and compulsions that can be disruptive in the classroom. Some obsessions may include “good” or “bad” numbers or letters, avoiding certain words or page numbers while reading, and obsessions on certain topics; often ignoring all others. Compulsions and rituals can include: counting words as they are read or said, counting items or people in the classroom over and over, a desire to touch, smell, or stair at other students, fears of contamination when eating or using the restroom, and other social phobias. These symptoms could be managed in the classroom by making other students aware that these “outbursts” may happen often and that it is best to let it happen and move on with their