Why Is It Morally Permissible To Eat Under Ordinary Circumstances

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1) There tends to be different kinds of cheeseburgers and I’m going to prove whether its morally permissible to eat cheeseburgers under “ordinary circumstances”

2) A) P1: It is NOT morally permissible to kill human beings for cheeseburgers
P2: If there is no relevant difference or justification that separates them, killing animals for food is the same as killing human beings for cheeseburgers
C: Therefore, eating a cheeseburger is not morally permissible. B) This is a moral argument. It is strong to the extent that a cheeseburger has never been a significant factor of harm in everyday life. C) killing human beings for food, or cannibalism, is not morally permissible. The killing of farm animals even with a justification does not make it morally permissible to kill animals for food

3) A)
P1: It’s not wrong for non-humans to kill other non-humans
P2: Humans need nutrients to live as well as non-humans
C: Therefore, it is not wrong for humans to kill …show more content…

The argument for the killing of farm animals even with a justification does not make it morally permissible to kill animals for cheeseburgers seems fairly compelling, since it appears to capture the essential aspect of the harmful effects of not considering animals interest in staying alive. Still, we cannot just wave away the problem raised by non-humans killing other non-humans not being immoral as an option. I believe we can avoid being committed to these conclusions by pointing out the following: 1) most non-humans need meat to survive 2) humans also need meat to survive, and 3) in addition to needing meat to survive its killing a member of the same species is less moral than killing a member of a different species. This gives us independent reasons to believe that killing non-humans for cheeseburgers is morally