Why Is It Necessary For Outsiders To Interfere With Conflict Between Religions

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Conflict between religions
Is it necessary for outsiders to interfere in conflicts between religions? The answer to this question has been proven to be yes, it is necessary for outsiders to interfere with conflicts between religions. Those who affiliate with a religious group tend to experience strong scenes of unity and passion. Equally as strong are those individuals who are willing to defend their beliefs and defend against those who threaten their beliefs. When situations as such do arise between different religions, conflict often ensues. Religious conflict has many negative affects on the world. One major product of religious conflict is terrorism. When one resorts to terrorism it can causes social problems among the people it affects, …show more content…

A product of religious conflict is war. Religious war can happen anywhere. “They can happen in the USA and Israel.” page 4 (quotes 1 and 3) Nobody is immune to religious wars. “Everybody has religious wars.” “Americans get involved in foreign wars.” (page 3 quotes 1-2) Religious wars are always happening. Religious wars happen because of nationalism. “9/11 bombing.” “pentagon.” (page 5 quotes 1 and 2) Americans are at war with terrorism. The religious ideas of the people carry over into government leading to religiously fueled foreign policies.
Another example is religion's implications could cause an outbreak of war between countries. It can also drive radicals to terrorism, it could also strengthen. “Americans attack
Al-Queda.” “interfering with hijackers.” “military kill Osama Bin Laden,” (page 1 quotes 1-3) Pride for one's country , It can also change beliefs. “Muslims helped us catch Osama Bin Laden.” “Operation Enduring Freedom.” “Obama withdraws troops from Afghanistan.” (page 2 quotes 1-3) This seems to mean the job was done.
Another example is societal implications. They could be living in constant fear and paranoia. Also dealing with precautions like airports “see something, say something.” Also fear of those with different beliefs. Can also cause discrimination and hate crimes. They just want to fit …show more content…

The common factor might be religion, skin color, race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. One of the most remarkable examples is the concept of collective punishment which occurred when President G.W. Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq in retaliation for the 9/11 terrorists who were mostly from Saudi Arabia. The common factor that linked the terrorists and the Iraqis was the religion of Islam. Another example was a Sikh who was murdered in the U.S. after 9/11 because his head covering was mistaken to be Muslim. A Hindu temple was attacked in Toronto shortly after 9/11 apparently because it was mistaken for an Islamic mosque. The Middle East region of the world is a good example of why religious tolerance alone cannot and will not reduce religious-based conflict. To the contrary, it gives the paramount support for the Center’s approach, going beyond tolerance to attack this problem. So, the world must go forward by, among other things, emphasizing education in the direction of teaching the value of finding and emphasizing those common threads of similarity of religions rather than emphasizing the differences – though they certainly exist. Judaism vs. Islam. Conflict, in which the Jews as a religious group were involved, in this part of the world, goes back more than 3,000 years,