Why Is John Proctor Wrong In The Crucible

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Mary Warren has to explain what the whole spiel with the coma and dancing in the woods was about. John Proctor was the connection between that for when he forced Mary to promise on her life that the dancing was the practice of witchery and to explain it in front of the court. Throughout the story John has hell thrown at him in all directions, but somehow he stays just the brink of insanity only going above that line when Abigail lost in court. John did have an affair with Abigail which he soon confessed about in court. Abigail was trying to get John wife hung at the gallows for witchery and it was a false accusation. All John had to do was write down and sign on a document that he was rightly charged for witchery and the paper was to be hung on the church door. He would not give the document to the court after he had signed it because the court had take his life and soul, so all he wanted was to keep his name. In my opinion this was a tragedy in itself but heroic at the same time because John sacrificed himself to save his wife and his name from being branded as witchery. …show more content…

In the end Abigail got away with the crimes she committed against the church and the court. which was culturally and morally wrong. there should have been a role reversal between John and Abigail so the consequces of Abigail would be rightfully