Why Is Movement Two Important

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Beethoven is one of the world's most famous composers, with a variety of pieces that are still being performed on a daily basis. Beethoven was blessed with great musical knowledge, and paved the way for many artists to come, being the influence for composers such as Franz Liszt and Johannes Brahms. In his mid to late twenties Beethoven began losing his sense of hearing due to an illness that would later consume his entire listening capabilities. With his life revolving around being the worlds greatest composer he began falling into a deep despair. Since he felt that he no longer could create and compose what would make him happy. Beethoven, while being deaf, then went on to make one of the world’s most recognizable and beautiful symphonies. …show more content…

With a key signature of a minor key there is a shift of feeling from the upbeat allegro movement one, to a sad sounding yet fast tempoed movement two. In movement there seems to be a common characteristic of dynamic changes similar to movement one. Where we now have the french horn and violins acting in a call and response sense at times. Where there is a build up shortly followed by a relaxing melody. The tempo seems to be alternating from a very fast paced to a very lento sounding piece. The timber of the wind and string instruments help this piece as the string instruments hold a very bright resonance to them. While the wind instruments hold a deeper powerful tone. Combining these two characteristics it allows the symphony to change from upbeat and powerful to calm and peaceful. The timber to the percussion is heard to be deeper so every time it is struck it resonates compared to the higher tones of the string instruments. Movement two constantly follows many shifts and settles down as we approach movement three. Movement three is titled “Adagio Molto e Cantabile- Andante Moderato” which appears to be in a major key compared to movement two’s minor sounding key. This shift allows the crowd to stray away from the sad sounding grasp the minor key holds. Immediately as the third movement begins, we have a heavenly sounding melody played by the violins. The melody intensifies with a moving dynamic from soft to loud. Which is answered by a pianissimo response from the clarinets. Movement three is a very delightful